We have been selling survival products since 1968
Our Survival is concerned about preparing people to survive should there be a need arise (2013, economic collapse, earthquakes, WWIII, drought, floods.TEOTWAWKI, I-Cheng, etc.). We feel that the products featured in this blog are first line needs in case any of these disasters do occur. We are national distributors for both ION stabilized oxygen (for water treatment now and long term, also for internal anaerobes))and Haloquem.(for burns, rashes, eyes, ears, external use) Feel free to e-mail any questions to us at oursurvival2012@gmail.com. include a snail mail addy, we will send literature Pricing for these products are as follows:
1-5 bottles of Haloquem OR ION
Retail = $24.95 per bottle
Our Price = $15.95 per bottle
6-12 bottles of Haloquem OR ION
Retail = $24.95 per bottle
Our Price = $14.95 per bottle
13-25 bottles of Haloquem OR ION
Retail = $24.95 per bottle
Our Price = $13.95 per bottle
26-50 bottles of Haloquem OR ION
Retail = $24.95 per bottle
Our Price = $11.50 per bottle
51 or more bottles of Haloquem OR ION: Please e-mail for a quote or be a distributor (disc. available)
FREE shipping on all multiple quantity orders over $150
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